About The Event

The concept of “Water Scarcity” might not be familiar to citizens since we can enjoy clean water every day. Having clean water is a life-or-death matter for water-scarce residents, while there are 2.2 billion people who have no access to clean water globally.

Aiming to bring out the messages of cherishing water and the situation of water-scarce residents, A Drop of Life is holding a charity walk “AVEDA Walk for Water 2024” on 5th May. Participants need to carry a bottle of water on their back with a bamboo basket to finish a 3km walk, to experience the life of searching water far away from home. 

The funds raised by the walk will be used to build water facilities for water-scarce residents in Cambodia, Nepal, and Myanmar, making clean and safe water accessible to different communities.

Donate For Clean Water!

The event add-on donations to water projects is opening soon!

Join us and bring changes to their lives.